But it also means a mountain of garbage. Plastic bags, bottles, tins, leftover food: all is left behind. Down goes the string of cars, from the mountains to the cities and villages, and left behind are the spoils of the day.
In the olden days, most products would be cleaned up by nature itself. The birds and the animals would eat what was eatable; the earth would digest the rest. But nowadays most of our garbage is made of plastics. And that takes many years to dissolve. If animals eat it, it will block their digestive system or poison them and they will get ill and die.
Every time I drive through Kurdistan, I see at least someone throwing an empty plastic water bottle, a coca cola tin, some Kleenex or a plastic bag from a car window. And all those plastic bottles and tins remain at the side of the road, as a growing mountain of rubbish.
A month after I was so very happy to see the second Kurdish party PUK conduct a huge clean-up on the ring road of Kirkuk that I even stopped the car to get some pictures, now at least half of the rubbish appears to be back again.
Plastic bags fly in the air and get stuck in the trees, making trees look as if they have been filled with wishing knots as at the grave of a saint, but a lot less attractive. Sometimes I have to strain my eyes to make out whether I see a kite being flown by a child, or a plastic bag blown by the wind.

If the Kurds really consider the mountains their best friends,then they owe it to them to look better after their nature. Rubbish should be collected and destroyed. It should not be left to clutter the country side. It is not only caring for nature; it is also caring for the country our children inherit.
This blog was published before as a column in the Kurdish newspaper Kurdistani Nwe.
1 comment:
The problem seems to occur with other areas and countries over the globe. It is sad, because there are restrictions and rules and again, nobody seems to keep them. One of the most astonishing and unique places on the planet are polluted and need to have their lands cleaned.
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